A new racing event for the participants of the RAF-SMP Racing Academy and the Russian Karting Championship took place at Atron go-kart track in Ryazan on 3-4 August.
Young drivers in Micro class already took part in the races here in the beginning of July and had a chance to get familiar with the track.
This time Matvey Dergunov from Chelyabinsk was quickest among all participants, followed by Egor Korpyakov from Moscow and Nikita Stryapikhin from St. Petersburg. Previous leader of the RAF-SMP Racing Academy Dmitry Matrenin wasn’t lucky this round and did not stand on the podium this time.

All young drivers had a good pace and were very close to each other. They all will fight for a winning trophy in the final round of the RAF-SMP Racing Academy in Eupatoria at Crimea GP track on 14-15 September.

The events like the RAF-SMP Academy take place exclusively in Russia. Officially, children only over eight years old are allowed to take part in racing competitions. This rule applies not only in Russia but in the whole world. The Russian Academy is a unique school, where children at the age of 6 have a chance to learn how drive and behave on a racetrack having a lot of practice during racing events.

For children everything looks like a real grown-up competition - the opening ceremony of races, the practice and qualifying sessions and, of course, races. After competitions every young driver is awarded with a medal. The races of the RAF-SMP Racing Academy is a great sporting festival for all participants.

Ekatrina Sorokina